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Campus Traveler Form

Student Responsibilities to Receive Services from the University Accessibility Center (UAC)

In order for us to provide campus traveler for you, you must comply with these guidelines:

  • Provide documentation of your medical condition to the University Accessibility Center. (You may use our form at > Forms > Documentation of Disability or provide a medical document listing a diagnosis from your doctor.)
  • You must let the volunteer coordinators know immediately for every instance that the campus traveler volunteer does not show up for the time they are assigned to. If the problem persists, the volunteer coordinators will find a new campus traveler.
  • It is your responsibility to get in touch with your campus traveler and swap phone numbers and email addresses with them.
  • Please be on time to your arranged meeting location. The campus traveler will not wait more than five minutes to help you to your next location.
  • It is your responsibility to turn in this form in a timely manner. If it is turned in after the semester begins, you must realize that it will take several days to fill your request. Thus, it is better to meet with your advisor several weeks prior to the semester.
  • You must notify the volunteer coordinator immediately of any changes to your schedule. This includes, but is not limited to, adding classes, dropping classes, or if you are no longer in need of your campus traveler.

Click here to download the Campus Traveler Form.

Please fill out this form and return it to the front desk in 2170 WSC, or fax it to 801-422-2767, or email it to Call the front desk at 801-422-2767 to ensure the form has been received.