Students with disabilities may qualify for scholarships dedicated specifically to them. Students must be registered with the Accessibility Center and have met with a coordinator in order to be notified and considered for the following scholarships.
Dayna Lynn Ahern Scholarship: The Dayna Lynn Ahern Scholarship is generously funded by Don and Carolyn Ahern in memory of their daughter, Dayna Lynn Ahern. This scholarship is first and foremost intended for Accessibility Center clients who have epilepsy. Consideration may also be given to clients who have another neurological condition (e.g., traumatic brain injury, brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, etc.). The amount awarded to each scholarship recipient will vary depending on the number of qualified applicants and the amount of funding available each year. Both undergraduate and graduate students may apply. Please watch for an email from the Accessibility Center sometime in Winter semester that will include a link to the application as well as the specific deadline for that year (usually a month after the application is sent out).
Accessibility Center Banquet Award: The Accessibility Center Award is generously funded by Keith and Carol Jenkins and is presented to selected recipients during an annual banquet held every March. Please watch for an email from the Accessibility Center in early Fall semester that will include a link to the application as well as the specific deadline for that year. Both undergraduate and graduate students may apply.
General University Disability Scholarship: This scholarship is generously funded by a variety of Accessibility Center donors. In order to apply, please visit the Scholarships website. Select the semesters and/or terms for which you wish to be considered. Follow the instructions and be sure to fill out the "Scholarships for Students with Disabilities" section under the "Disability" tab. Only undergraduate students may apply.
Note that all awards for disability scholarships are dependent on having current documentation of disability on file at the Accessibility Center. For more information see our documentation of disability form.
Vocational Rehabilitation is a state and federal program under Workforce Services. Their goal is to “assist eligible individuals with disabilities to prepare for and obtain employment and increase their independence.” Though they are not a typical scholarship program, they can sometimes provide funding for tuition, books, assistive technology, and other school-related expenses as this can be a pathway to employment. Generally, a participant who has been deemed eligible for these types of services would have an ongoing, working relationship with a rehabilitation provider until they graduate from their academic program and obtain employment.
Ability First Utah seeks to help individuals with disabilities to live independently in their home or community. They provide information and referral services, assistive technology resources (including equipment loan or equipment funding services), youth transition (ag 14-24), advocacy, nursing home transition services, and peer support.
Disabled Student Scholarship: For any disability (mental or physical) that interferes with school or your quality of life. Awarded amount of $500.
Equity Through Education Scholarship: For all disabilities. Must be pursuing a degree in business/commerce, computer science, engineering, math, physics, statistics or a related discipline. Awarded amounts of $5,000 and $10,000.
Frederick J. Krause Scholarship:Must be diagnosed with a physical, mental, or emotional disability. Must be currently enrolled at college, and at least a junior. Preference given to those majoring in a field related to improving quality of life for persons with disabilities. American Association Health and Disability.
HIE Help Center Scholarship: Must be committed to helping people with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), cerebral palsy (CP), or another neonatal injury. Must have a GPA of at least 2.75 to receive the $1,000 scholarship.
Jean Kennedy Smith Playwriting Award: Must write a play script that explores the human experience of living with a disability. The play must be performed by a university prior to the scholarship application being submitted. John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.
Microsoft DisAbility Scholarship: Requires a visual, hearing, mobility, cognitive, speech or other disability. Student must declare an approved major in engineering, computer science, computer information systems, law, business or a related field. Award amount varies between $5,000 and $20,000 and is renewable.
Needy Meds Scholarship Database: This website is a database that you can use to find available scholarships based on your disability. There are also some scholarships available for students who have a family member with a disability.
Swim with Mike Scholarship:For disabled athletes who sustained a life changing accident or illness (e.g. paralysis, blindness, cancer, amputation, head injuries). Awarded amount varies and is renewable.
Tony Coelho Media Scholarship:Must self-identify as an individual with any type of disability, including mental illness. Must be a sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student. Must be pursuing a degree in communication or another media-related field. Demonstrate good academic standing and leadership qualities. American Association of People with Disabilities.
Young Soloists Awards:Must have physical or mental disabilities that limit one or more of their major life activities. Must be instrumentalists or vocalists no older than 25 years of age. Must submit musical recordings to VSA Arts.
Test Prep Insight: Must have a physical or mental disability. Requires a short essay or video and is available to incoming freshmen or current students. Must be a US Citizen or Permanent Resident
Best Mobility Aids: Includes listings for various disability related scholarships.
ACB Scholarship Program:Must be visually impaired - legally blind. College freshmen. (The link is only available while the application is open.)
Lighthouse Guild:For students who are leagally blind. The amount varies.
Mary P. Oenslager Scholastic Achievement Award:Must be visually impaired - legally blind. Registered as a Learning Ally member for one year, 3.0+ GPA. For senior, master's or doctoral study. Demonstrate high academic achievement, leadership and service orientation. Learning Ally.
National Federation of the Blind Scholarships:Must be visually impaired - legally blind in both eyes. Major/career interest in humanities/liberal arts. Demonstrate financial need, high academic achievement and service orientation.
TAER Professional Preparation Scholarships:Must be a resident of Texas, but enrolled at a college in any state. Must be interested in majoring in a field related to rehabilitation or education of people with visual impairments. Demonstrate financial need for this $1,000 scholarship.
William and Dorothy Ferrell Scholarship: Must be legally blind - vision of 20/200 or less in best eye or 20 degrees or less in visual field. Must study in college and be in the field of services for the blind or visually impaired.
Anders Tjellstrom Scholarship: Scholarship applicants must be a Baha or Nucleus Cochlear Implants recipient. Awarded amount is worth $2000 per year for up to four years.
Graeme Clark Scholarship:Must have received a Nucleus cochlear implant. Pursuing min 3-yr undergrad degree. Demonstrate academic achievement and commitment to leadership and humanity. Cochlear Americas.
Millie Brother Scholarship:Must be graduating high school senior. Must be hearing children of deaf parents. Children of Deaf Adults, International.
TPA Scholarship Trust for the Deaf and Near Deaf:Must suffer from deafness or hearing impairment. Must need financial assistance in obtaining mechanical devices, treatment or specialized education.
J.C. Runyon Moving Forward Scholarship:Must be diagnosed with behavioral disorders or mental illnesses. Demonstrate great motivation for succeeding at college.
Jerry Greenspan Student Voice of Mental Health Award:Must be a college student living with mental illness who wish to pay it forward by encouraging dialogue about mental health on campus and eliminate the stigma around emotional disabilities. JED Foundation.
Lilly Moving Lives Forward Reintegration Scholarships:Must have schizophrenia, schiophreniform, schizoaffective disorder, or bipolar disorder and receiving treatment. Involved in re-integrative efforts such as work, school, or volunteer programs. Center for Reintegration, Inc.
Anne and Allegra Ford Scholarship Program:Must have a learning disability. High school students. Academically successful. Have financial need. National Center for Learning Disabilities.
Challenge Met Scholarship:Must have learning disabilities. Must be licensed amateur radio operator enrolled in college. American Radio League Foundation.
Joseph James Morelli Scholarship: This scholarship supports high school and college students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and/or dyscalculia, who wish to pursue a career in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Amount of $2500.
Marion Huber Learning Through Listening Award:Must be learning disabled. Registered as a Learning Ally member for one year. 3.0+ GPA. High school senior. Demonstrate high academic achievement, leadership and service orientation. Learning Ally.
Super Scholar:A list of 20 scholarships specific to individuals on the Autism Spectrum.
Abbvie Immunology Scholarship: For those with an inflammatory disease. Specifically: Ankylosing spondylitis (AS), Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Crohn's disease (CD), Psoriasis (Ps), Ulcerative colitis (UC), Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), Psoriatic arthritis (PsA), Uveitis (UV). Scholarships of up to $15,000 are awarded, dependent up the type of degree pursued.
Jay Cutler Athletic Scholarship: For incoming freshmen with Type 1 diabetes, who will be playing a competitive sport in college. Award amount of $5,000.
180 Medical College Scholarship Program: Must have spinal cord injury, spina bifida, transverse myelitis, neurogenic bladder or ostomy (ileostomy, colostomy, and/or urostomy).
Blood Disorders:
Factor One Source FAST Pharmacy Scholarship: Must be diagnosed with a bleeding disorder to be considered for the $5,000 award, must be diagnosed an immunodeficiency to be considered for the $2,500 award, and must be diagnosed with any complex or chronic condition listed on their website to be considered for the $1,000 award.
General Hemophilia Scholarships: Requirements and award amounts vary. This link brings you to a list of scholarships available to anyone with hemophilia.
If YOU have Hemophilia: Must be an Inhibitor, has Hemophilia (A or B), has a bleeding disorder; must be US Citizen; Seeking a post-secondary education from a college, university or trade school. Award of $2,000.
If your child, sibling or parent has Hemophilia or another bleeding disorder; May or may not have a bleeding disorder themselves; Seeking a post-secondary education from a college, university or trade school. Award of $2,000.
If you are pursuing a degree in the medical/healthcare services field: Must have a bleeding disorder or be related to someone with a bleeding disorder; Must be pursuing a degree in the medical/healthcare services field. Award of $4,000.
Patient Advocate Foundation: Available to students under the age of 25 who have been diagnosed with or treated for cancer, or other chronic, life-threatening, debilitating disease within the past five years. Award amount is $3,000 up to four consecutive years, if student adheres to program guidelines.
Auto Accident Law Firm Survivor Scholarship: Must be a US Citizen that has sustained injuries from a car or truck accident or been affected by someone else’s accident. Awarded amount of $1,000.
Dirk Derrick Car and Truck Accident Injury Scholarship: For any current or soon-to-be undergrad who has had his or her life altered due to an injury from a car or truck accident, be it their own injury, that of a loved one, or an influential individual.
Disabled War Veterans Scholarship: Available to active-duty service personnel, honorably discharged U.S. military veterans, reservists, and National Gaurd personnel who are disabled because of wounds received during service in Enduring Freedom-Afghanistan or Iraqi Freedom Operations. Awarded amount of $2,500. Scholarships are given out twice annually.
ABC Law Centers Cerebral Palsy Scholarship: Must have cerebral palsy, and have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. The $1,000 check will be made payable to the school, with rare exceptions in which the check is made payable to the student.
CHASA Scholarship for Childhood Stroke Survivors: Candidates must be affected by childhood hemiplegia or hemiparesis due to any cause or by pediatric stroke, or be currently diagnosed with hemiplegia or hemiparesis or pediatric stroke. Awarded amount of $3000.
Scooters 'N Chairs: Must be a manual or power wheelchair user, and maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. Awarded amount of $1,000.
UCB Family Epilepsy Scholarship: One-time scholarships to people living with epilepsy, their family members and caregivers who are pursuing higher education. Awarded amounts of $5,000 or $10,000.
Will2Walk: Applicants must have a traumatic spinal cord injury. Awarded amount of $5,000.
Hydrocephalus Association Scholarship Program: A program designed to provide scholarships to students diagnosed with Hydrocephalus. Includes 11 scholarhsips in the ammount of $1,000 each.
If you know of other scholarships that should be added to this list, or notice any broken links, please email for review.